Medical, Counseling & Coaching
Here at Nourishing Journey, we offer a variety of consultations to address your physical and nutritional needs for better health. We also offer life coaching to help you on your journey with life path, career, relationships and other areas in need of support and growth.
Functional Medicine, Medical Cannabis
Our Medical consultations embody holistic approaches to provide the best outcomes for our patients experiencing chronic health concerns. Our medical doctor provides education and the development of a partnership with the patient to best optimize health and encourage empowerment withing the patient.
Practitioners: Alice Tsai, M.D.
Wellness/Nutrition Consultation
Natural health stands on the belief that the body will heal itself if given the opportunity. These consultations involve looking at history, nutrition, supplementation, detoxification, exercise and lifestyle habits. The goal is to meet you where you are, help you create a plan, and to educate you and encourage you on your individual path to holistic wellness.
Practitioners: Jennifer Palmer
Dental Detox Consultation
Many chronic health concerns stem from previous dental work. This consultation is designed to help you navigate the complexities of detoxifying the body as well as recommendations for who to see as well as how to prepare the body for the work to be done.
Practitioners: Karan Joy Almond
Intuitive Guidance and Spiritual Counseling/Coaching
You are a spiritual being having a physical experience. Every experience in life is meant to support you as a soul on this journey. A spiritual coaching session helps you navigate your life from a spiritual point of view so that you can understand the purpose, growth and gifts from every experience. Intuitive guidance calls in your guides, angels and loved ones to bring higher loving wisdom to support you.
Practitioners: Jennifer Palmer, Carol Wetherill
Health Coaching
Health Coaching is designed for individuals who wish to improve and optimize their health and wellness through a holistic approach. We will assess the areas for improvement, considering not just food and nutrition but physical activity, stress levels, the quality of your sleep and even your relationships. Other factors are also considered, such as your hobbies/recreational life, general satisfaction, and spiritual beliefs – if this is of importance to you.
Coaching sessions are 60-minutes in length, and also include email support between sessions and
resources specific to the client’s unique interests/challenges.
Practitioners: Lisa Morrel
Relationship Coaching
Relationship Coaching is typically for individuals who are in the “dating world,” looking to develop a relationship but not meeting with the desired outcome or success. Typically, an individual who may benefit from these services find him/herself falling into similar patterns and would like assistance breaking this frustrating cycle. Together we would identify these patterns, find ways to short-circuit them, and create new ways of relating that ultimately help you to create the relationship you desire.
Coaching sessions are 60-minutes in length, and also include email support between sessions and
resources specific to the client’s unique interests/challenges.
Practitioners: Lisa Morrel
Burn Out Prevention/Recovery Coaching
Although beginning to be taken seriously, burn-out is only recently starting to be given the attention it deserves. It can affect anyone who consistently pushes themselves too hard for too long. It also affects working professionals just as much as those who remain home, taking care of children or others.
The good news is, with holistic intervention, recovery is possible! Lisa Morrel, a Holistic Health Coach since 2007, can help you get your passion for living back and feel recharged. Her "Burn-Out Recovery & Prevention" services will drill down your situation and devise a recovery program that is tailor-made for your unique set of circumstances and challenges. A prevention plan will also be created, to give you the best chance of not ending up feeling depleted again.
Practitioners: Lisa Morrel